Knowledge and skills
Assess your knowledge of: the data types in the C language. A rating of 5 means that you have fully master the topic. A rating 1 means that you have no knowledge of the topic.
Assess your knowledge of: the statements and loops in the C language. A rating of 5 means that you have fully master the topic. A rating 1 means that you have no knowledge of the topic.
Assess your knowledge of: functions in the C language. A rating of 5 means that you have fully master the topic. A rating 1 means that you have no knowledge of the topic.
Assess your knowledge of:specifiers like const, static, volatile and register in the C language. A rating of 5 means that you have fully master the topic. A rating 1 means that you have no knowledge of the topic.
Assess your knowledge of: logical operators in the C language. A rating of 5 means that you have fully master the topic. A rating 1 means that you have no knowledge of the topic.
Assess your knowledge of: bitwise operators and how to use them in the C language. A rating of 5 means that you have fully master the topic. A rating 1 means that you have no knowledge of the topic.
Assess your knowledge of: preprocessor. A rating of 5 means that you have fully master the topic. A rating 1 means that you have no knowledge of the topic.
Assess your knowledge of: pointers in the C language. A rating of 5 means that you have fully master the topic. A rating 1 means that you have no knowledge of the topic.
Assess your knowledge of: structures in the C language. A rating of 5 means that you have fully master the topic. A rating 1 means that you have no knowledge of the topic.
Assess your knowledge of: file operations in the C language. A rating of 5 means that you have fully master the topic. A rating 1 means that you have no knowledge of the topic.
Assess how well you can write a program in C language. A rating of 5 means that you have fully master the topic. A rating 1 means that you have no knowledge of the topic.
How difficult did you find the activities?
How difficult you find the use of colab research (the environment that was opened when you clicked on a link on a given topic)
I am satisfied with the time it took to complete the activities.
I believe that through the activities I increased my knowledge about the C language in case of microcontrollers.