Activity 4. Create a moving dot with LEDs

The purpose of this activity is to create a moving dot with the 8 LEDs that are connected to PORTB of the microcontroller. The dot will move from left to right and from right to left.
(20 minutes)

Activity 4

Step 1. The circuit is drawn in the Proteus Design Suite. In this step 8 LEDs are connected to the PORTB parallel port.

Step 2. The program in C language is written.

The student must complete the following program in C language.

 #include <main.h>   // We include the file

                                 // of the initial settings  main.h

#byte PORTB =0xF81  // we assign to the memory position 0xF81

                                     // the name PORTB

                                     // This means that we create an 8 bit

                                     // variable whose value will

                                     // be stored at the memory address F81h

                                      // At the memory address F81h is the PORTB

                                      // data register

int8 i;

void main(void){


set_tris_b(0x00);   // We define PORTB as output

                               // This is done by giving to the  PORTB

                               // direction register the value 0000 0000


PORTB =0b10000000;  // We give to the PORTB data register

                                      //the initial value 1000 0000


     while(TRUE) {   // eternal loop



         Complete the program with the necessary commands 


                                               }  // closes the bracket of for




         Complete the program with the necessary commands 


                                             }  //closes the bracket of for

                  }  // Closes the bracket of while(TRUE)               

               }     // Closes the bracket of  main()

//The initial value of PORTB is 10000000.


Tip1. Division of the value of PORTB by 2 moves the 1 to the right.

Tip2. Multiplication of the value of PORTB with 2 moves the 1 to the left.

Step 3. Compile the program in order to create the hex.file (machine code).

  • Load the program (hex.file) to the microcontroller
  • Check that the program runs properly