Activity 2. Counting the 1s of PORTD

The purpose of this activity is to count the 1s of PORTD and show the result on the LCD 16x2.


Activity 2

Step 1. The circuit is drawn in the Proteus Design Suite.

Step 2. The program in C language is written.

Write in CCS Compiler the program in C language

 #include <main.h> // the file main.h with the

                  // initial settings is included.

                  // This file must be placed in the same

                  // folder with the project.

                  // Also the 18F4550.h file must exist

                  // in the same folder with the project


#include <flex_lcd.h> // The h file of the lcd driver

                      // should be in the same folder where we will save our program.

                      // The #define LCD_DB4 PIN_B4 etc statements in flex_lcd.c

                      // should be checked and possibly modified.

                      // These statements determine the pins of the microcontroller

                      // that are connected to LCD 16x2.


#byte PORTB =0xF81  

                     // We attribute to the memory position 0xF81 the name PORTB.

                     // This means that we define a 8 bit variable whose value

                     // will be stored to the memory position F81h.

                     // The memory position F81h is the PORTD data register.


#byte PORTD=0xF83    // F83h is the position or PORTD data register

                     // at the data memory of the microcontroller

                     // SFR Special Function Register



// ********* main program ************************


void main(){                   // Opening bracket of main

   set_tris_b(0x00);   // PORTB is set as output port

                       // (PORTB Direction Register = 0000 0000)


   set_tris_d(0xff);  // PORTD is set as input port 

                      // (PORTD Direction Register = 1111 1111)


   lcd_init();              // Initialization routine

   PORTB=0b00000000;   // PORTB takes the initial value of 0000 0000

   int i=0;            // Integer varable used in the  for() { }

   int a;              // Integer varable a

   while(TRUE) {       // Endless loop(condition always true)

      delay_ms(500);   // Wait for 0.5 second


      for (i=0; i<=7; i++){

         a = a + bit_test(PORTD,i);

         // The function bit_test(PORTD,i) checks the bit i of PORTD data register

         // If the bit equals to 1 then the function returns the value 1.

         // If the bit is 0, then the function returns the value 0.

         // Variable a equals the multitude of 1s of  PORTD

      }  // Closing bracket of for() { }


      lcd_gotoxy(1,1);  // The cursor moves to the first position of the first line

      printf(lcd_putc,"%d",a); // The value of variable a is shown on the LCD

   }        // Closing bracket of while

}           // Closing bracket of main

Step 3. Use the CCS C Compiler to translate the programm from C language to the microcontroller machine code. Load to the microcontroller the hex file (machine code) that was created from the CCS Compiler.


Step 4. Run the simulation and check the correct operation of the circuit.

Step 5. Suggested modifications and discussion:

    • what do we need to change in the circuit and in the code so that the LCD 16x2 is connected to the PORTC?