//Keypad connection: #define row0 PIN_B4 #define row1 PIN_B5 #define row2 PIN_B6 #define row3 PIN_B7 #define col0 PIN_B0 #define col1 PIN_B1 #define col2 PIN_B2 #define col3 PIN_B3 //------------------- Variable definition---------------------------- char const KEYS[4][4] = {{'1','2','3','A'}, {'4','5','6','B'}, {'7','8','9','C'}, {'*','0','#','D'}}; #define KBD_DEBOUNCE_FACTOR 33 // Set this number to apx n/333 where // n is the number of times you expect // to call kbd_getc each second //------------------Function Definition------------------------------ short int ALL_ROWS (void); void kbd_init(void); char kbd_getc(void); //------------------------------------------------------------------- void kbd_init(void) { set_tris_b(0xF0); output_b(0x0F); } //----------------------------------------------------------- short int ALL_ROWS (void) { if(input (row0) & input (row1) & input (row2) & input (row3)) return (0); else return (1); } //----------------------------------------------------------- char kbd_getc(void) { static byte kbd_call_count; static short int kbd_down; static char last_key; static byte col; byte kchar; byte row; kchar='\0'; if(++kbd_call_count>KBD_DEBOUNCE_FACTOR) { switch (col) { case 0: output_low(col0); output_high(col1); output_high(col2); output_high(col3); break; case 1: output_high(col0); output_low(col1); output_high(col2); output_high(col3); break; case 2: output_high(col0); output_high(col1); output_low(col2); output_high(col3); break; case 3: output_high(col0); output_high(col1); output_high(col2); output_low(col3); break; } if(kbd_down) { if(!ALL_ROWS()) { kbd_down=false; kchar=last_key; last_key='\0'; } } else { if(ALL_ROWS()) { if(!input (row0)) row=0; else if(!input (row1)) row=1; else if(!input (row2)) row=2; else if(!input (row3)) row=3; last_key =KEYS[row][col]; kbd_down = true; } else { ++col; if(col==4) col=0; } } kbd_call_count=0; } return(kchar); } //-------------------------------------------------------------