Useful links

Development in Python for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux

  • Python software  link
  • Pip tool  link
  • Editor and  IDE Wing link (Attention: download the Wing Personal version)
  • Development environment Anaconda link (suggested for experts, download the 'Individual Edition' version)
  • Python in Ubuntu Linux link
  • Python Reference  link1
  • Python Reference  link2
  • Python Reference link3

Other tools

  • Python reference card link
  • Python reference, tutorial ecc. link pdf version link

Development in Linux

  • To create a virtual machine (Linux hosted by Windows, for experts)
    • How to install Ubuntu on Virtualbox link
    • How to install Virtualbox link
    • Ubuntu distribution link
  • To create a Linux live version on a USB stick 
    • Universal USB Installer link
    • (Ses also) How to create a live USB stick link

Last modified: Monday, 8 November 2021, 1:29 PM